Understanding the basic concept of DBMS - Database Management System

Describing what a Database is


What is a database 

As ordinary computer users, we may be accustomed to saving data in simple files like text files in notepad, spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel, etc. When it comes to a single user, spreadsheets are excellent. We can use them to execute basic operations like integrating data from different sheets or even creating appropriate reports and dashboards. As long as the data volume is manageable and limited, this is alright. Otherwise, we must use what we refer to as databases, which are simply software applications made to store massive amounts of information in a highly structured manner.

Note: Unofficially wherever we store data can be called a database; however computer science people generally call the software application, which is specifically built to handle data, a database. 

I would like to stick on to the word "Database Management Systems/DBMS" when we refer to such applications 😀

A Database Management System in simple terms is a computerized data-keeping system.

In more technical terms, it is a computerized data management system that consists of multiple components like hardware, software, data, procedures, and data access mechanism. Multiple user access and security are some of the mentionable features of common database management systems. 


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